Astro Coach
Your personal assistant at the intersection of astrology and psychology
Astro Coach
The practice of Ashtakoot Milan, or Guna Milan, is deeply rooted in ancient Indian astrological traditions. It has evolved over centuries as part of India's cultural and astrological heritage. Ashtakoot Milan is one of the methods within Vedic astrology used for assessing compatibility in the context of arranged marriages.
Vedic astrologers and scholars have refined and developed it to help you make informed decisions about marriage alliances.

However, it is not a complete and conclusive analysis of the person's true compatibility with their partner. We consider other factors like compatibility between AstroProfiles, birth chart compatibility, and patterns of the planetary period to get the complete lowdown.

In the case of low compatibility, one has to bring the power of awareness into the relationship because the presence of the partner with low compatibility indicates some lessons must be integrated for spiritual evolution.